Golf in KRAT ….only yesterday

My memories of this golf course began in 1990’s. Joining a group of active lady golfers helped improve my game. There were monthly medals, Annual Championships, festive and social games. Over the years i have enjoyed golf in KRAT and in the midst built bonds of friendship here. And now before the end is near […]

Making Bread is Fun!

My bread making experience in the 80s was quite unpredictable. Sometimes the breads turn out nice but sometimes like rock! Most were not perfect until the machines came along. The bread machines made me very happy as I was always looking forward to a perfect loaf . Then came the Artisan breads in the 90s. […]

Amazing walks…pleasant surprises..

  Daun Kadok I love my walks. Its more than just agitating those nerves and breathing in fresh morning air.  I get to listen to my favourite podcasts whether it be Rachel Maddow or Leo Laporte or Noam Chomsky, probably the last of our lifetime’s  greatest thinkers. I am  extremely contented. But lately, my walks […]

Blue Tapai Anyone?

My earliest fermented foods began with a dairy culture like yoghurt, then fermented soya tempe which is easily available and a healthy replacement for protein. Then about a year ago I was introduced to Kombucha. For me it was a very exciting discovery that such a simple culture that can be made in your own kitchen can have so many health benefits. […]

Welcome to my Space

                                            40″ X 32″ oil on canvas Welcome to a sixty something’s world. This is probably the best years of my entire life. I enjoy my grandkids, I enjoy going places, I enjoy my walks, golf with my friends, food and reading philosophy. Sometimes I feel so wrapped up in my activities that i forget […]

A Happy Clan of Clashers!

Golf Clash is fun.  It’s a game I enjoy playing because the golf courses are both challenging and beautiful. A HIO here is just around the corner even for a beginner as long as one is in full control of the shot. I have achieved many but nothing compared to Vic our HIO Guru. What […]

Darkening Hair Naturally….

It brings back memories. I remember in the kitchen of our ancestrial home, the noisiest and busiest place, where three families were cooking together each and every day, the “amahs” clad in black trousers and white tunic stood out. Their long hair set so silky and shiny, so perfectly combed and tied into a bun […]

Whats Vanishing…

Kapit kapit moulds in toaster oven As I was making Kapit this year, it dawn on me that the art of making these traditional cookies , a skill that had been taught to my mom by my grandma then passed to me, may be fast disappearing. Thus every year now i  look forward to make […]