Happy Feet with Mulberry

051 Dried Mulberry

My broken ankle is now history, leaving me only marks but what is really amazing is the feeling that I have my whole leg back. I know the surgeon did an excellent job and so did the physiotherapist. But I also had wonderful effects from doing a lot of foot soak therapy on my own, using home-grown organic Mulberry leaves plus a bunch of salts. I guess what this therapy does is help reduce swelling by promoting blood flow.

I use this herbal therapy twice a week and after 3-4 months now, my feet feels lighter than when I first started using it. I would like to share my herbal foot soak concoction with those who have tired or swollen feet. It really helps loosen those tired and sore parts of the feet. I guess if you are weak at the knees, this therapy is also a good start. In fact in the first few minutes of soaking, you will feel a tingling sensation and that according to experts is a positive sign, that blood is circulating.

Here is what you need:

  • Handful of dried mulberry leaves
  • 1 big Tbsp Himalaya Salt
  • ½ tsp Epson Salt
  • ½ tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
  • Basin big enough to put both feet in


  1. Place all leaves and salts into the basin.
  2. Boil 1 kettle of water and pour into the basin. Don’t cover. Let it stand for about 10mins
  3. Add in 1 kettle of tap water
  4. Soak feet for at least ½ hour
  5. After soaking, dry and rub some oils. Do this at least twice a week and you will feel some difference.

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